Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to the Digital Age

So we've had a taste of the system today. Basically we had to go register our child, the older one, for school. Like drop just about everything, and go in to the school, for what? Was it to sign up for a certain class? No. Was it so the teachers could meet us? Emphatically no, not from my wife's assessment. Was it to open the doors and give everyone a warm (Actually hot, but anyway) welcome. No, no, no.

So why did we have to come in, two weeks before school starts? There was no reason. Everything that was given was stuff that could have come home the first day. I mean Jesus Christ, they didn't even give out books in the first two weeks of school last year... surely they won't be any better this time.

All of these papers could have been made available online. So they paid somebody to stand in the gym to hand them out instead. Then as my wife puts it they wasted money, school money, on envelops and blue paper, for what? For freaking NOTHING!!!

I can see already, I'm off to a bad start.

PS, Apparently they are now giving the teachers SOB a continental breakfast. Enough people must have bitched since the NOB was getting a free lunch. Now everyone will have "full stomachs" when the cheering and ballyhooing begins at the rally.


WileyCoyote said...

People who are desperate to appear to be doing something must always have face to face meetings with the people whom they are trying to impress. The more desperate they are, the more grandiose the empty gesture.

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, step inside step inside..." Brace yourself for more mindless sincerity and open-handed generosity that actually is passive-aggressive manipulation.

WileyCoyote said...

Ooops, forgot - and remember that many of those students and their parents don't have access to the Internet, since Mommy and Daddy sold their school-issued laptops...

Mad Hatter said...

HaHa... You know ALL the teachers now have laptops. Which I guess is nice, sorta'. I'm hearing many teachers are still not "with it" enough be computer literate. Aye yi yi...