Wednesday, August 13, 2008


There is something going on outside my neighborhood. I don’t know what it is, and honestly I fault myself for not knowing. It really doesn’t affect me too much, so I guess it is progress. Not much I could do about it anyway. I thought it was all protected but obviously not. They’re just taking all the trees for now. Still the weird part is they are taking trees on both sides of the road. It could be that whoever owns the property is clearing it for the money and then putting it up for sale, or maybe not, who knows?

Now before anyone gets misty eyed, I don't own the property, and really the person that does can pretty much put anything there he/she wants. I think it's crazy when people pine for what used to be. It just doesn't happen that way, and besides those were "junk" pine trees anyway. You simply can't move anywhere without thinking about what's around you. In this case... woods and what it could become. I hope it isn't some crappy low-income housing project, but otherwise I don't really have a say.

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