Monday, August 18, 2008

Do You Know How To Read?

If you have kids, then why don’t you read to them, count with them, just interact with them?

It’s in the beginning of the school year that they find out who’s not so good in math or reading and really my wife could fill a blog up with just stories of bad parents. I don’t understand it, especially the coddled kids that have parents who think they are doing well, only to find out that you now have the dumbest kid in class. Or a five-year-old that can only count to six. Or lots of other things (shapes/colors/etc). I can’t get in to it too much because of confidentiality law, and parents getting upset and all that.

All it takes is a little effort, just a little. My 2-year-old can count to almost twenty (she gets a bit messed up with all the teens), knows her ABC’s, and knows there are actual words on the pages that you have to read, knows most colors and has a basic knowledge of shapes. I’m not trying to brag, hell I don’t care how you bring up your kid, but if you care about your kid, you might want to enrich their lives a bit, instead of plunking them down in front of SpongeBob. Or just don’t have kids. Because somebody has to deal with your kid at some point, and yes when they are dealing with a problem kid, they are looking and talking about you. Just something to think about. That is the problem with kids today, and then the teachers are behind the eight-ball.

That's not to take away from kids that have a genuine learning problem. Because those kids are out there, but they are overshadowed by the lazy parents. Too bad I guess.

Speaking of books, my daughter got a copy of Go Away Big Green Monster. This was the same book that The Bluffton Today reported wrongly. Well she loves it. My wife says it is an addition/subtraction kind of book. I read it at least 10 times last night. It really does make kids have more self esteem, even in 2-year-olds.


WileyCoyote said...

Most people have children for reasons other than to raise little lumps of clay to be thinking cognizant adults. They have them to impress their parents/spouse, to hold marriages together, to 'play mommy' or daddy so that they can buy the little brat everything cute in the stores - and never care about what fills its cute little head. Children have become accessories, like an SUV or a sports car or the biggest house on the block; something to attract attention and impress people. The "parents" don't really care what day care workers, social workers, or teachers think; they are public servants put on earth to serve THEM and their children. Even though they sneer at those Welfare mothers who have babies for money, they are the same type - endlessly selfish, completely self-interested, and totally all about their next pair of shoes or their next gathering, where they can ram their little brats down everyone else's throats and demand attention - just because they can do what any animal in heat does.

Sorry about your wife. In college, the professors insisted that I should become an English teacher, because of my love of literature and the art of drama. I laughed and said, "why would I want to do THAT!" - they said, well, you could always own a baseball team. Some of us are turned on by the challenge of raising squalling demanding lumps of flesh into real live conversant humans, while most everyone else just wants to keep those lumps as small, mentally deficiant, and dependent as possible for their own self-gratification. I refused to even attempt to teach lumps.

Bob G. said...

You must have driven through MY neighborhood in Ft. Wayne...LOL!
Great observations!

BTW, I MARRIED an English teacher!
(better than leafing through Webster's every day...LOL)

And I agree with your reasons...perfefctly sound!


Good for you in the manner you're bringing up your daughter. Wish more would take your lead.

Thank you, both.
