Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chic-fil-A and Kid's Night

So in my wife's grand scheme it should have worked out, but it didn't. She planned to go to Chic-fil-A because it was kids night, followed by music down at Sea Turtle. Well first off it was something like 130 degrees outside, so the music fell by the wayside. I'm all for enjoying myself with some free music, but even I have limits. And the Chic-fil-A, well we did go, but as I thought it was full of people and worse yet full of mindless parents that don't care.

It says 3 and under on a sign as you enter. I think there was maybe one other kid that was under 3, the rest were a lot older, and they were CRAZY!!! My favorite moment of the whole thing was this kid, who had dreadlocks, beaned another kid with a Hot Wheels car. He didn't mean to do it, it just happened. There was lots of screaming, yelling, and general acting like an ape-iness going on.

Really every parent should go. That was sarcasm in case you missed it. Too many kids, that were too old anyway, and their parents don't care if they pull somebody's hair or act a fool because they aren't there. I composed myself rather well, didn't say anything and then some boy tried to use my daughter as a step stool, and my wife politely said "lets go".

Banned forever is any event that lots of kids will be at from my itinerary. At least that involve food, playing, and lack of supervision. Maybe it was just a karmatic way of getting my wife ready for work... Year `round starts up this week.

1 comment:

WileyCoyote said...

Is it any wonder that these self-described "wonderful" parents drop their brats off, away from them, at any and every opportunity? Even they know that their children are horrific little monsters, whether they admit it or not.

Don't worry, every one of those little apes will grow up to be selfish, obnoxious, demanding, rude, and self rightious adults, using everyone else around them as stepstools to get what they want. Meanwhile Mommy and Daddy will be sitting at home, alone, saying, "It was society who ruined our children! It was the crowd they were with! It was the neighborhood!" What they won't say is why they let society, the crowd, and the neighborhood raise their children - so they wouldn't have to be bothered in their self-important lives.

Hugs to Little Bit and to your poor wife, who every day must deal with these little animals.