Friday, July 18, 2008


So it all started here. A year ago today it happened. The final straw that broke my camel's back. Now I've been back, a few times, but now I don't want to be associated with that site at all. It's just smoke and mirrors, fluff, and yellow journalism. I think I really need to thank them, because they're so stupid, so outrageous, so incompetent that I'm a better person.

At first I was going to stick it out with them because of the obvious reasons, they have a lot of people visit their site, and when I said something on their site, I got a lot of hits on mine, but then I had my stroke, and I let some people have it (that had it coming anyway) and BOOM, I completely quit that scene. If you want to hear what I have to say, you'll just come to my site... the end.

I've had my own trials and tribulations, but I felt if I stick with it long enough I'd get a second wind, or third or fourth wind as it were. Yes this one year anniversary has seen all kinds of different things, people coming and going, deciding whether or not to blog at all, sickness, pretty much everything and anything. So yep thanks BT, for providing me with a voice, and then making me search out an even louder one, that lets me say whatever I want, even four letter words like fuck and shit. I've taken off the training wheels and I'm not even wearing a helmet. All I am looking for now is more people like me... who are not spoon fed, who have an ability to think outside of what they're told, who have a brain function higher than a tomato. So where you at?

1 comment:

Alex said...

I think you did the right thing. I've always felt there was a disconnect over in BT-land...they think a heck of a lot more of the "service" they're providing than I do.

There are many ways to have your voice heard.

I never liked the idea of providing them with free content for the print version of their ad-laden newspaper. Or the idea of them giving my phone number out to columnists and/or random letter-writers, who would then leave countless messages on my answering machine. But hey, I'm just a silly blogger. What do I know about propriety?