Monday, July 7, 2008

Getting Better or Feeling Worse?

So I get ideas for a blog post, usually while I'm showering, or driving, or doing something that's not conducive to writing the idea down, and poof, when I sit down at the computer it's gone. It might come back, I just have to be in the same situation or just writing in and of itself brings it on. One just came to me now. Though you won't read about it, until later. Maybe.

I've been feeling kind of down lately. Not that anybody has done anything, and no I don't need drugs like lexapro or prozac. I think, and this is just me talking, that maybe my medicines might need to be adjusted, or they might find I'm deficient of some vitamin, or amino acid or something. I just feel kind of funky, like something is off. I go to the doctor soon, maybe he'll have the answers, but I doubt it.

I don't think anybody can help me, because I really can't put my finger on it either. Not that I'm a medical school alum or anything, but I think my body is in the throws of something yet to be explained. And it appears to be cyclical. With a strong emphasis on "appears". Not just my mood, but the way things taste, how my blood sugar reacts, my blood pressure, it is all related I'm sure, but how/why/what/when is beyond any body's knowledge.

Now I could just be full of shit, that's always a possibility. Again I said I never graduated any kind of medical school. But then again, I'm the only person that has to live my life, be with me 24/7 never take a vacation or anything. So I do have at least an interest in the deal.

So yeah, I just got back from the doctor, nothing... which is what I expected. My wife got a B12 shot, hopefully that'll fix her up. Me on the other hand, I just don't think there's anything traditional medicine can do for me. That's not saying some alternative will work either... I'm just fucked. I don't mean to sound so negative, but it's true.

I don't know what to do or where to go from here... jeez


WileyCoyote said...

Please remember as I say this that I am really interested in your welfare.

Let's see, cyclical, affects Blood Sugar, BP, and moods... have you had yer thyroid checked? What about your liver? I only ask because some docs overlook these things, especially when you are on medication for other things. Stuff like this can be caused by the effects of the drugs on yer internal workin's over time. Please Don't just shrug and say, Oh well guess I'll have to deal... because usually it is a simple fix, just hard to find the cause. The mood swings and BP don't concern me as much as the Blood sugar, tho'.

Some docs get in a rut and don't think about other causes. Some are just too rushed and busy to think at all.

Of course it could be just the friggin HEAT.

Mad Hatter said...

I think we may try another doctor. The guy I see now really is in too much of a hurry to do much of anything. I always thought that DO's were a little better than MD's, but in this instance maybe not. He still thinks whole body, but is barking up the wrong tree. He wants me to have a sleep study done. I don't think that's the answer. Over the last couple of days I've found it really hard to talk. Canned responses are fine, but if you want anything else, there's a problem. I go back to my neurologist next.