Monday, July 14, 2008


You know, a high powered BB rifle could make all the difference in the world.

I have this bird feeder, and the crows literally empty it in 5 minutes. This is something that in general lasts at least a week. And I wouldn't even mind if the crows did a little pecking at the feeder, it's just that they actually open it from the top, dump it all on the ground, then eat everything. Is there such a thing as a crow-proof feeder? I think not.

But that isn't the only critter that I would like to get a BB into. How about the very destructive armadillo? You know the one that turns you're well thought of garden into nothing more than a mess? I've had little to do with them since I've gone after the grubs in the soil, but they do always let me know when it's time to put more poison out.

Now we get down to the nitty gritty. Cats. I have a cat, it's kept inside at all times. I know many people see nothing wrong with letting a cat or even a dog run free. Times are changing. If I was living on a farm or out in the country maybe I'd feel differently, but I'm tired of Felix walking all over my car, scratching up my screens, or generally being let out, with no one to claim it.

Yes the real problem is the owner, not the cat, but are we really going to make the owner listen? No, that's why a sneaky guy like me, suggests a BB gun. You don't have to actually shoot anything if you don't want to, but they seem to know you mean business if do hit them. Yeah I know, I'm a bastard for even recommending something like this, but worse is the people who shirk their responsibility of proper pet ownership.

I shouldn't have to ask, "who's cat is in my yard". Especially since there will be no one to answer, and yeah I could go through all the trouble to call the animal control person who is likely overworked and underpaid, and see if they would get rid of it. But it is so much easier to take a quick shot out the door (for crows too) than it is for anything else. Again I'm not saying anybody should hurt or maim anything, but it remains the pet owner who lets the cat roam in the first place, that should bare the most blame.

Maybe this would help:


Bob G. said...

I love birds BUT I do hate CROWS! (damn carrion eaters)
We have feeders for the little ones as well as nectar for hummingbirds (a treat to watch).

Choosing one's anti-bird-feeder ordnance can be a study in frustratio, though.
It's trial and error.
A lot depends on the distance you need to cover.
If the feeder is nearby the house (less than 10 meters, use an AIRSOFT pistol - they're not all that bad at that range, and are cheap to use (under $30 for a fairly good one).
Need something with a little more "balls"?
Get a CO2 BB pistol...a lot less conspicuous when doing a "reccy" of your property (under $80).
When you need to really get out there and "touch" something, by all means, usea rifle, and Crosman has a basic pump-pneumatic for under $50...does a nice job AND it is "scope-capable".

As for me?
I have airsoft, BB and pellet pistols, AND a .43cal paintball pistol, for when the going gets tough...AND a slinghsot, AND a blowgun. (sometimes you don't want to disturb them while they're being targeted).
Next step - pistol crossbow!

They will all work on nasty OWNERS just as well.

Happy Hunting.



WileyCoyote said...

I use a CO2 powered pellet pistol, myself. Works great on birds you want to shoo as well as cats and even large dogs. Nothing like the sound of a large dog running yelping for home. Makes every unwanted critter think twice about coming into the yard. Of course, sometimes an "unlucky" shot will give you something to bury quickly, but it is worth it.

As of yesterday, I now have TURKEYS in my trees. So I'm breaking out the .22... still fairly quiet, but, hey, dinner.