Monday, July 28, 2008

Fart Face

Me and my wife got into a bit of a roe in the regards of the term "Fart Face". It's kind of ambiguous, what exactly is a "fart face"? My wife says it's a person who does the farting, thereby making him or her a fart face, but I say its the person receiving said fart and it happens to be in their face. Are both right? Hardly seems possible, but stranger things have happened.

Perhaps a poll is in order. If I can find one, or make one, or simply do the math myself. What do you think? Is it the person who farts or the person on the receiving end, both or is it just something stupid that was made up? Is it just alliteration? Why don't we say fart foot?

My daughter, the older one, did in fact call something that. Actually she called it a "stepping fart" noise. She was talking about stepping in mud while it's raining and it was to this song...

So honestly I'm no closer to finding out... but I don't think I really tried anyway.


WileyCoyote said...

Funny. I always thought it was the one who perpetrated the fart; with that sly grin and "fart face".

Although we've never been a couple who shoved the other one's ead under the covers and held it there (eliciting a "fart face") we HAVE perpetrated SBDs as well as loud and blatant noises in each other's general direction. One thing we do when we are both undercover is to fart, then fling back the covers and cry out, "GO FREE!" - which usually ends by having the victim call the perp a "fart face" - or "a$$hole".

In a moving vehicle, with the windows rolled up tightly in a rainstorm, is the worst. Would that give all occupants a "fart face"?

Mad Hatter said...

Hahaha... Yes important considerations to ponder. This may be the intellectual question of ages. LOL I'll put you down for the perpetrator. Which as it stands is 1-0 perps vs. twerps as it were.