Saturday, March 1, 2008


So I apparently stepped in it yesterday. You know I never would have thought so much would be wrapped up in one word. The funny thing is when I talked about it with my daughter... she said they were "idiots" too. And this would be including her. Maybe we're just going on how someone is raised, or their set of norms, and if we are, I admit mine is not the same as anybody else's. But still I think we need to get tough on kids, or just call the whole thing off.

We might be happy when the offenders say their going to straighten up and fly right, but I've seen (and heard) it all before. Action speaks much louder than words, and we really haven't done anything yet. Now maybe it's just me, maybe I'm jaded by my own personal experiences, but really and truly, I can't hold my breath.

I don't think the lowest of the low need to be given so much attention. Because you simply won't/can't be able to count on them. Does that make me a cretin for calling them idiots? Maybe, but that doesn't even matter. I don't have any answers for having kids do well in school, because if I did, mine would do more. But maybe bringing this out in the open will do something... maybe

EDIT..... Again - I spoke to my teacher wife, and she pretty much confirmed what I already knew. Just look at the bell curve. The bell curve, I knew there was something, anyway she said look at the bell curve... you have some that are geniuses a whole bunch that are in the middle or normal, and the bottom dwellers. Its not popular to call anybody stupid... especially in this age of "no child left behind" but you still have them. And that, pretty much was what I was trying to say...


Bob G. said...


It's all about how we are raised...or in some cases NOT raised that defines character in any person.

It's also an accumulation of "life experiences" and how we deal with them (based again on how we were raised) that further defines who we are, and where we intend to go in life.

I've read THE BELL CURVE...fascianting read (although lengthy), and I recommended it to to my wife (a high school teacher).

And believe it or not, there will ALWAYS be some people that are just plain "broke", and NO program, or NO amount of special entitlements will be able to "fix" them.
Many others just don't want to BE fixed.

You're not a cretin for calling things as they are...

You're to be applauded. There aren't many of us out there that are unafraid to side-step all the politically-correct rhetoric (as well as the MSM), and discover the truth.

Very enjoyable blog (you're on my link list as well).

Anonymous said...

It was a ridiculous mess, and IMO over close to nothing. I started a couple of responses that went something like, "Well, I guess I'll be the next outta here, but..." and then I changed my mind because in the end I came down on the side of trying to communicate, as slow-going as that is a lot of the time.

The fact is that I don't know what's going on in middle schools today. I DO know though that there are some perpetual cheerleaders who are at times enablers. And while I hate the idea of giving up on anyone (my brother was told in junior high that he was not college-prep material and should go to tech school, which he did, to become a baker...he ended up in Los Gatos doing software for IBM...too long a story for parentheses), I also hate the sacrifice of bright young minds to serve the dull ones. Is "dull" allowed on your blog, MH?

I did express skepticism at the notion of HUGE change as a result of a couple of meetings, and worst case, I'll be wrong and all will be wonderful. Hang on, MH. I think you're terrific. PB

Mad Hatter said...

you can use any words you like... on my blog ;)