Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Baby... Gets a Bath

So a weird, though probably common thing happened over the weekend. My daughter, the little one, she, through all fault of her own, wound up in the bathroom. Specifically our master bathroom, that has a walk-in shower. Up until this point she would cry if either of us was in there taking a shower. Well not anymore. She was in the shower naked, because an earlier incident with a glass of Sprite, made her naked. It's all good... Or so we thought, because she was happily playing, and we were doing laundry or whatever... until...

She starts saying "Ut-oh, Ut-oh poo-poo." Well it was pee-pee, not poo-poo, but I guess it's hard for a 2 year old to express that. And really there wasn't a better spot to be in, except maybe over the toilet, if that was going to happen. Now it was a bit messy when she started stomping and clapping her hands in it, but we're right there, so she got a bath for troubles.


Alex said...

Clean up in aisle 3!

Sounds like she might have a future in performance art. :)

Mad Hatter said...

I don't know. Yesterday she insisted that she be on the sofa, next to me, for her "stinky pants" change... Then to top it all off she says "I like it, stinky pants". Maybe there is somewhere for her in comedy.