Saturday, March 8, 2008

Newspapers and Fluff

So the Bluffton Today did a 2 page piece on the school referendum. But they really didn't mention why we might want to vote no. That's too bad, but I really don't expect anything less from that rag. Adjust the damn attendance zones... For everybody in the county, and instantly you have relief. I don't know how much clearer I can make it. They mention their 5 year plan, hell mine would take days.

But I wonder where the money for the staff, and the money to stock each room full of supplies, money for buses, and a cacophony of other issues crop up. This really is just too much. And they just now got Red Cedar Elementary, or will have in a few weeks, going scheduled to complete the spring of 2009 (hah!). This was an emergency. A 3 year emergency? Meanwhile the schools fill up with mobiles.

We have all kinds of room NOB, and I really don't understand why maintenance issues (like a leaky roof, or doors thet don't close) are even on this referendum but I do know that the school district and board take us all for fools ...and apparently the newspaper too. I know that my blog doesn't reach as many people as THAT paper, and I know too that I'm not even the "expert" when it comes to the school district failings, but at least I've started. I ask that anyone who wants to post anything on this issue either email me or post in the comments. There is a whole lot of reasons to say no, and only the feeling of maybe doing good (maybe... and that a big maybe) if you say yes.

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