Thursday, December 4, 2008

One Year Ago Today

Here it is. I've officially made it a whole year since my stroke took place. I thought there would be a little more fanfare, but I guess nobody really celebrates things like this. I also thought that I would be further along/ more recovered than I am. But it's all relative I guess. 11 months ago I didn't think I could eat without making a mess or putting my eye out.

I still have a ways to go, and I might never get there, but at least I'm still alive to try... and that ain't too bad. But if I think back to when it actually happened, the night before when the EMS guy said I had an 11 blood sugar... the next morning... trying to get my body to work, when it simply wouldn't... the hospital... and then all the recovery later. It is a bit much.

Still I guess now is a time to reflect on the accomplishments I've made, instead of being overly negative. I can operate pretty much in everyday fashion without anybody knowing I had a stroke (except handwriting). I can eat, handle tools, even fix some things normally. But then again it's easier to list the things I cannot do than what I can do. So as long as that list keeps shrinking I'll be fine.

So happy anniversary to me... I guess.


Aunt Bea said...

Happy anniversary! I'm glad that you are still around... and your typing has improved immensely as well as your cognitive ability.

"That which does not kill us..."

Mad Hatter said...

This is Mrs. MH. I just wanted to comment...even though this is your account. Honey, you've come a long way! I'm proud of you. I know some days are still a challenge...but when I think of what you went through and what we've been through it boggles my mind. But, we took it one day at a time and here we are. I love you and I love our life together. Happy Anniversary! xo

Bob G. said...

Every day is a gift...AND a new day.
Doesn't matter if you're recovering from a stroke, recouping from heart surgery or even in perfect health.

How you define and live that day makes the difference.

Regardless of how small a step on the road to recovery you take, it IS nonetheless...A STEP.

Keep the faith.

Happy Anniversary.
(and many more)


Mad Hatter said...

Thanks to everyone. I'm just glad that people come around and read my blog and let me gripe about the things that bother me. I am stronger for it, and I do have a wonderful family, and yes I am making steps :o)