Friday, December 5, 2008

Classic Film Friday: The Day The Earth Stood Still

This is a 1951 Sci-Fi flick is going to be remade and will come out later this month. So I figured I would at least get the ground work of what the original was like before all the special effects of today's film take place.

Basically a being from outer space has come to warn us about our violent ways and how it might bring negative attention from other planets. This movie has something that today's movies really can't have... the suspense that it builds because of the lack of special effects. That's not to say it doesn't have them, because it does and that's not to say I hate special effects, because I don't. But in some movies that's all there is, this is not the case with this movie.

The movie was watched via Netflix instant viewer or Roku. Which is awesome. Everybody likes this movie at my house, and though it has some rather liberal ideals, in a perfect world that wouldn't matter. Get along, or dad is gonna' get the belt, and nobody likes that. :o)

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I made sure "Santa" got me this movie on DVD for Christmas...always wanted it.

To ME, this is a "scary" flick...and we (humanity) geo a nice solid "kick in our omplacency" for it.
NOt to mentionm, we find out that we're not at the TOP of the "leader board", as it were.

A brillaint movie, well acted, and suspenseful as all get out.
Favorite Quote:
KLAATU: "I grow impatient with people have learned to live without it."
(good message there)

Thanks for making this a Friday Classic Film!
