Sunday, June 29, 2008


So my daughter went to the airport, and is now in Mississippi. But it wasn't without conflict. I showed my ass when it came right down to it. You see she was to fly out at 2:00, we got there at 1:00, come to find out that actually she's not flying until 4:40. Somebody has to take the blame, turns out that it my daughter's mother.

But of course she wasn't around, and I didn't know that until after going through security twice. In no uncertain terms the person at the actual gate is worth absolutely nothing, can't do anything, basically is a waste of space. I also watched all the government security. Maybe I need a job like that... talk about leeches.

So all the confusion over the tickets, and time, and everything else... my daughter arrived safe and sound. Now if only I could either get a cush job at the airport or at least have somebody slap the shit out of my ex. I guess that's asking too much huh?


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your trouble, MH, but I am LOL at the way you express yourself. It's ALWAYS the ex's fault, isn't it? In MY life that's the way it goes, and has gone for the 34 years I've been divorced. The Serenity Prayer for exes: We hooked up with idiots, we are powerless over idiots, we are not allowed to murder idiots (or even slap the s*** out of them).

Mad Hatter said...

Well you know, it was her fault... but I guess there's a bit of responsibility that goes on me to. I try to stay out of what goes on between my daughter and her mother, maybe I should try to make things go smoother but I don't know.