Thursday, June 26, 2008

Junk News

Something that's been bothering me lately. If you look on any of the popular websites, like msn for example (though you local papers are just as much at fault) and you see stuff that really isn't news it's just opinions... which means I could write it, or you, or basically anyone. You don't have to have any credentials, or go to any kind of school, or pretty much do anything.

I know that puts me in a precarious position, because anyone who reads this can say the same about me, but I think the readership of any blog knows what they are getting into, the news sites, well you expect the truth... not to get misled or bamboozled by somebody who you thought was better than average or at least more in the know.

Is it a sign of the times? Hell network TV is full of Master of Dance or Big Brother or American Idol type crap. Is this what we can expect? Maybe that's why I don't watch much TV. Or I should say don't watch TV the way anybody else does. I'll give the perfect example. Ghostbusters came on the other night. I thought thats a pretty good movie, let me see if it is on Netflix instant player, it was and suddenly I don't have to wait on some 45 minutes of commercials and I can see it, unedited. TV is a waste of time.

Anyway back to news, if they think spoon feeding me crap is going to work they're wrong. If it works on some people then good for them, but really I think the stories are the product of certain companies writing in such a way to make you visit their site. It really is just another way to make money. Oh boy. These websites are nothing more than SPAM instead of promising a bigger penis or sexual satisfaction they're peddling a better career or investment opportunity. Lovely world we live in isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like we've said before, "news" is about who pays the bills.

The NYT tried to start charging folks to read sections of their online newspaper, and their readership dropped. Folks want their news now, and they want it free, and they want to be seduced and shocked and entertained. So who pays for it? The ad companies. So who dictates content? The ones who pay the bills.

Add that to an overwhelming laziness on the part of reporters and editors to actually do their jobs instead of emote, "teach" or push their own agenda, and you don't have news in any media - just some person's or group's subsidized opinion.