Saturday, June 28, 2008

Squishy, Mushy, Yucky

I think I'll post squishy stuff like this on the weekends, I don't know. Mainly because I know virtually nobody reads this thing on the weekends, they like reading it while screwing off at work, thats fine, I do much the same. In fact with the time delay posting, sometimes I don't even look at my blog all weekend.

Anyway yes I know the mushy stuff is likely boring to you, but it has it's place. I think that it is a me that I couldn't show when I posted on the newspaper "blogs"... because it wasn't mine (anything posted there becomes their property) and you just never knew if they were going to do a full page spread on you. I like this better, complete control, or at least symbolically somehow.


WileyCoyote said...

Ha! Now that I work ALL the time including weekends (altho everyone insists we are retired because we aren't working in the rat race any more, but for ourselves, which is harder) I read this stuff every day or two as I drink my first cup.

When I worked for the paper, and even when I blogged there, I NEVER let them see my squishy side. 1) They wouldn't've believed it; 2) they would have used it to 'prove' and justify their sappy, whiny, liberal points; and 3) my REAL feelings were none of their damned business...

Folks used to walk up to my husband and tell him how sorry they felt for him that he was married to me! Two dimensional people always think that everyone ELSE is two dimensional, too. Love isn't a reality TV show, but they are too simperingly blind to know any better.

Unknown said...

Here it is a Sunday morning, coffee in hand and I am reading the blogs- the GOOD blogs. It's too early for marshmellows of the local paper if you ask me. Keep it up MH- weekday or end....