Sunday, September 7, 2008

Drop Down Low

So there really wasn't a hurricane, or tropical storm, or whatever. All we had at my house was a gentle rain and some wind (emphasis on "some") Oh what are we to do? Anyway, like Y2K, there was pretty much nothing. Oh well.

I'll tell what has been dropping like a hot potato, and that is my 401K. It's taken a back seat to other things lately, but I'm still monitoring it. Yesterday it lost $500 the day before $150, and the day before that $175. It is hard to take, but I know to think long term. Still, my contribution, 10% of my income, is for the most part not going anywhere. It's bad when it loses money, but at least I can add to it when I get paid every two weeks. Even that isn't helping, it's losing more than I put in it now. Hopefully this means in 5-10 years, I'll be rich beyond my wildest imaginations, or I could be just as broke.

There was a time when I couldn't even fathom putting 10% of my paycheck to retirement. So I guess I'm not that bad off after all.

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