Monday, September 8, 2008

School Calendar

I know the divisive nature of the school calendar debate. You have those that like the long summers off that Traditional offers and you have those that appreciate the little breaks that Year-Round offers (I happen to be one of those people). Well what happens when you put those two groups of people together?

Nothing. You won't ever get those people to agree. It's kind of like the abortion issue, nobody is willing to give an inch. I used to be one of those kind of people, people that cared about what, where, when my kids went to school. But there is no reason to fight, basically the schools will do whatever they want to do, there is not anything I can do about it.

They'll have a "compromise" calender that won't do anything to please either camp. Figures right? If you can't make everyone happy, you might as well make them all mad. Summers won't be quite as long for the Traditional folks, they won't have a true Year-Round calendar either, you'll just have a collaborative effort, that really gets nowhere.

Congratulations tax payer.

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