Thursday, September 4, 2008


So the paper, the daily wipe, also known as Bluffton Today says in their We Say column that teachers should wear uniforms just like the students. All students will have to wear a uniform in two years. Yes I know, you can make all kinds of arguments for or against the uniforms. The School Board made that decision, not the teachers. They can suppose anything they want to, but teachers are professionals, highly educated ones at that, and they need to attract more of them to the profession, not less.

The editorial seems like it was written by a middle/high schooler, because I sure can't make sense out of it... Kids, our kids, should not wear uniforms because teachers don't have to? Huh? Good God I think there's more than that, that the teacher's do that the students don't or vice versa. I'm not sending my teacher, my wife to learn or be taught anything. It just doesn't make sense. I went to Catholic school, and there never was anything brought up about what the brotherhood was wearing. If that is the best you've got then you really don't have anything at all.

If someone is dressed improperly, then let the right people take care of it. Believe me, if somebody flubs up on a given day, wears something inappropriate, I hear all about it...a little bit of kangaroo court if you will. But professionals don't need a uniform, or a shirt with their name on it (that's fine if you have your name on your shirt, but anyway) . I don't happen to believe we need a uniform at the high school level, but somebody does, and you have to ask "why?" and I bet your answer will be "if only those parents would have done their job..." But they didn't, and now we have what we have. Probably it won't work, but whether it fails or passes should not be teachers fault, they have enough blame already.

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