Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm Ready... I think.

In case you didn't notice... all two or three of you... my other blog The Masochistic Pessimist kind of languished. I haven't made a post since I've adjusted to being off some medicine. That caused me to view things a little differently. So anyway, it was never meant to be a daily type thing, just if I found something that was of consequence, them I would jot it down there.

Mostly about my kids, because they do weird/crazy/stupid and/or the most remarkable things. Children are the worst best or the best worst thing that anyone could do to themselves. They are funny, amazingly so... sometimes... and equally dejecting the other times. You just never know what or who, or how or why or when they will surprise you next. They are the ultimate "Wild Card". They might be the most adorable children to your friends, but just 10 minutes before you had to threaten them with death if they didn't do their homework or chores. It's just like that.

Kids... hmpf.

Anyway, back to the other blog and the medicines I was on. Pretty soon I think I'll be ready to post again. I didn't want the initial coming off the medicine to affect anything, which was overly negative and I think for the most part I'm through that stage. There was a point where I would just snap, and it was not pretty, in fact everybody around me was begging me to reconsider and go back on the medicine. Thankfully they put up with me, and I got better, even if that guy who cut me off had to cross three lanes of traffic to do so, and flipped me off in the process made me want to rip his head off and use his headless body as a dart board, I'm all better, or mostly better now. I mean though I'm still pissed at the guy, because he's a selfish asshole, I don't want to do him harm anymore... mostly.

I didn't want to get caught up in that whole negative feeling thing, and then have to go back and apologize to everyone later, and have hurt feelings and that stuff. So while I know there are still the mean spirited idiots among us, I did not want to become one of them, pleasant buffoon or likable ignoramus... sure, but not so much on the evil.

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