Monday, January 19, 2009

Google Somebody

You ever think of somebody from your past, google them just to see if maybe you can see their doings? I'm guilty of that. I went to public school in Maryland for one year. And it was my first exposure to the public school ever. Add to it, pre-teenage angst. You have me in a lot of fisticuffs matches. It was unbelievable, but I think it would happen if I were on Mars or France or right back home in New Orleans (probably worse).

So anyway I got to looking around my old middle school. Easy enough. In fact anyone can do it. Then I saw the name, and I figured, what the hell, why not write this individual. To see how they've been and to say thank you.

So I was all set, ready to go, but then... i get... the undeliverable message. Damn, now what? I guess even though the internet makes the world so much smaller, there's only so small it can make it. Ah well...

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