Monday, October 13, 2008

Party Lessons

I don't think I'm going to have a party anymore. To much work, to much resources, and too little fun. Yeah I think it would be great if I went to someone else's house for a party, but this last one I don't know. I definitely had some things going against me. First of all the rain. It rained and rained and rained, from Friday to the early part of Monday it rained. So no outside. Second of the guests we invited only one of them ate oysters. So we threw a lot away. Third I really didn't know anybody so the whole thing was a bust (at least from my perspective).

I could have bought 1/2 a bushel of oysters and sat down to eat them in piece and quiet, not the 10 or so kids and 10 adults all trying to over-talk each other. I also think we should have something that is ready when folks arrive, not something you have to cook when people get there. Something like chili, or crock pot pork or chicken bog, otherwise you wind up feeling like the hired help inside your own house.

What I'm trying to get to is, I really didn't get to have any fun. And that is why I am here isn't it? Yeah I know, grumpy old me. But it would have been nice if somebody was there to talk to, or if somebody ate the oysters (other than the one, god bless her), or if it would have just quit raining. So maybe I'm not anti-party but I am anti-rain/cooking throughout the party/stranger unless they can strike up some kind of conversation.


WileyCoyote said...

Weird. We had a party Sunday night - four friends over - and everyone brought something. We fired up the JennAire and broiled hamburgers and sausages, and sat around the table and played Spades.

Nothin fancy but good friends with similar interests having a good time putting things together is much better than 'throwing' a party and being (or feeling) responsible for everyone else's good time.

Mad Hatter said...

The problem was/is oysters. Me and my daughter like them, the wife and other daughter doesn't. So I suggested that we have a party, so that there would be more eaters of oysters. Except there really wasn't any more oyster eaters, add the rain, and it tumbles down hill. Oh well.