Friday, April 25, 2008


The big day is tomorrow... the referendum that is. I can tell you where I stand, because it is a resolutely no position, my wife, a Beaufort County School District employee is a yes position. She knows all the problems with the district, she's even experienced them herself, which is unfortunate. But in her defense more schools mean more jobs, so maybe she'll find a place she likes. Still the referendum of 2006 didn't stop the mobile units from coming. So at my house, it is a standstill. But we haven't come to blows or anything... yet.

Meanwhile I'm trying to convince my wife that maybe private school is the way to go. Because we've seen what happens when we left our older daughter who isn't very school minded, with essentially "dead weight" teachers. And maybe with our second one, we'll stave off any negative feelings, and believe it or not a teacher in the same school as her child is a curse, not a blessing, especially when you consider the dead weight issue.

So I vote no, my wife votes yes, and we both consider taking the problem out of the hands of the school board completely by going private... Now I just have to find a way to make this affordable or even possible.

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