Monday, April 28, 2008

Nothing Really

Well I don't really have a lot to say. It's one of those mornings, the kind where you wake up two hours before you have to, try to go back to sleep, but yet still feel tired. That's me today. The referendum passed, I guess that means a new shiny laptop in my future. Actually, for those that support the referendum, and this is a person that speaks as a parent AND a spouse, you just don't know what you did. I can't feel good about it, but I understand. Just don't come back to me, or others like me when what they promised, doesn't come to pass.

Maybe people are just planning on staying a few years, then moving when they can. That's what I think anyway. Most people find out that this really isn't paradise. But that's just me. Now I got to go dig up some coffee or something, sooo tired.


Southern Focus Designs said...

I was one of those people, remember? I supported one of them (2006 I think). I was so WRONG!

Charlie Wetmore is a coward...I was really impressed with him until he started talking out of both sides of his mouth. I thought that for once and elected official was saying and doing what the voters wanted and he just cowarded to the pressure. I was really disappointed.

Maybe it is time to move to Hardeeville? LOL ;)

Mad Hatter said...

Maybe, though I think getting out of this area completely would be even better. You know something tropical, and sandy... Instead of the marsh and mosquitoes.

Southern Focus Designs said...

But that is what most people don't understand....tropical=mosquitos!!! LOL

Mad Hatter said...

I don't know, there are some places is the Bahamas that seemed bug free, but it could have been the time was there or something.