Friday, April 4, 2008

Blogging, Blogosphere, Bloggerific, etc... and Summer

I hope that Speed Racer/Offspring video helped you all just calm down a little... heh heh. Anyway there have been some things about the blog that I don't like, or want to change. Classic film Friday will be coming back... maybe as early as next week. It looks like the Daily Affirmation will hold the Wednesday slot. The rest of the week is pretty much wide open. Though I might talk Daily Affirmation into to two days... maybe.

I've also been talking to some folks about being a guest blogger... negotiations are ongoing as we speak. I know some very smart people that do not have a blog of their own, or have one but for whatever reason choose not to have it displayed. I'll be the outlet, if you like.

To wrap it up I have a bit of an ode to summer, because it's getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and because I want to... here are YouTube videos that make me think of summer...

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