Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Brief Polictical Career

It seems that I was one of those disenfranchised voters on the 4th. There was some confusion as I was pretty sure I was in town limits, but for whatever reason I was not allowed to vote in the mayoral race of Bluffton. I demand my rights! It turns out I was supposed to vote for mayor, and this was at 4pm.

Well, I think so anyway. I got to the school board and I saw the name, Laura Bush, and I could not bring myself to vote for her. So I wrote in my name instead. My wife did too. So hey, I got two votes at least! I spent on campaigning and advertising a total of $0. So for the money, not bad.


Anonymous said...

If you live in Woodbridge, you are not in the Town of Bluffton

Mad Hatter said...

I don't, I'm not sure... Did I say where I live? I'm in precinct 5. The city gets my garbage. I was disenfranchised.