Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are You Worried About Your Colon?

So I got this, I'm sure we all get this kind of stuff...

Purify, Detoxify, Look Great, And Feel Great!‏

Flush up to 25 pounds from your colon with Colotox

Umm, yeah...NO.

There is no way I mean no way I believe this. Your body makes shit, as a by-product, and gets rid of it. What the hell? If there is any toxins in me, I'd hope I would shit them out. I mean, that's the point isn't it?

They claim people eat 4-6 times a day and only poop once per day. Would you really want to go 4-6 times a day? And I don't know about you, but I aint digging around in my poop to see if what goes in, is what comes out. It shouldn't even be that way anyway, since you only poop out the stuff that your body can't use.

With this Colonox, maybe you could eat your own shit, since it will "Cleanse your entire system"
I mean, it's clean right? So why not eat it again? Dogs do it. Monkeys do it too. Join in the fun I'd say. And you'll lose weight too. That's a win-win my friend.


WileyCoyote said...

I am all about colon gossip, having lost a third of mine. No I didn't accidentally leave it in my purse on a park bench, it was surgically removed because the stuff in it went septic and almost killed me.

The pockets in the colon get packed with stuff, and the more over-processed food you eat, the less work your colon does as everything either slides out or gets packed into those little pockets. Hence all the sage advice about fiber as one gets older - make the peristalsis WORK to eliminate! The stuff that they advert to 'clean your colon' does one of two things - blocks the absorption of food (or certain kinds of food) from the colon, or causes increased peristalsis activity to push everything including the 'good stuff' out. Either one is dangerous and can be deadly, causing massive and rapid dehydration. The only real way to "clean your colon" is a hgh flow enema, and even that gets rid of the good bacteria that decomposes the wastes. The dau who works in a lab has examined hundreds of colons, and she says the thing that usually causes diverticulitis or diverticulosis is - corn. Nuts sometimes, but corn is one of the main things that passes thru undigested. If it gets caught in one of those little pockets, and starts gathering other shit to it, they get inflamed and infected, and BOOM! -surgery.

So ignore this silly drug craze, the 'quick fixes' that can cause lasting damage, and - fiber up! LOL

Mad Hatter said...

Well, I guess I now know, why I see corn, after I eat it. lol :o)