Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poor Haiti

That whole catastrophe in Haiti is awful. I don't know anyone from that area, but it seems so bad. Back in the 90's, when I was in the Army, we had Operation Uphold Democracy. And I remember the Army taking some Haitians and training them at one of the the training bases I was stationed at.

At the time, it was an area with a lot of poverty and disease. Basically third-world type stuff. The people that we were training were grateful to be here, and I can't help but wonder... what happened to them. I hope they are alright, but there is no way to know, I can't remember their names or anything else really.

I think something is lost in all this. It is the fact that we have no one to blame. Yes I know, we can blame the faulty construction, or the government for whatever. But really you can't blame anyone, unless you fault the almighty, and I don't think he/she is taking calls. I guess I should put some kind of link for aid to these people. But I wonder, and this is just me, but do wonder where and how the money was spent to aid this country in the past. I'm talking about hundreds or millions of dollars.

I'm not saying we shouldn't help them, but I am saying that we should help them in the right way, that is, so we don't find ourselves helping them out again and again.

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