Friday, January 29, 2010

Cruel Joke... or Frightful Acknowledgment

So no classic film today, honestly it is a wonder I even post at all... given the events of the week. It is hard to have 1/2 of you (my wife) that is down, because I still have to pick up the slack, and that in no way says anything bad about my wife, it just states the obvious. I need her and she needs me. (I'm guessing that I need her about 100 times more than she'll ever need me, but still). And then there is the whole making sure that the sick person gets better thing.

The days sort of run together while she is away. And I'm always tired. I found that the only thing I can do to survive is take advantage of my teenage daughter (making her work for a change) and more than that, plan ahead. Think of everything you have to do and get ready for it the day before it actually happens. Bottles, breakfast, lunches, blankets, all that stuff and more (like clothes and medicine) is ready or half ready before it has to be... and that is a life saver.

Come on and hurry up and get to feeling better... because I need to take a break from the hard work you do, everyday. Maybe I'm lazy, or perhaps I'm inept, or possibly, I just married Mrs. Right and this is a friendly reminder (from god or gods or whatever) that it is so easy to lose that which you may have taken for granted. I don't and I want you home soon!

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