Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two ways to eat pie... or Maybe More.

I know I am partial to my way of eating pie, but there is another, and my house is evenly divided as to which is the proper way to eat it.

My way: Or as my wife puts it... "shoveling" Which is to cut with the side of your fork and take that piece into your mouth or ""shoveling. This is the accepted method for myself and my 3-year-old.

The other way: Or as I put it... "back hoeing" The user takes his/her fork and uses the tips at the end to pick a piece up, much like a back hoe. This method is utilized by my wife and 13-year-old and seems some what barbaric to me.

Anyway, how do you eat pie?

1 comment:

Aunt Bea said...

If I can't pick it up and eat it, I shovel. "Picking it" to me looks like the eater is looking for something besides filling in it! Nom nom nom PIE!