Tuesday, August 18, 2009

List of Fear

So I was talking to the family over dinner, yes it is something we all do, I mean, it is the one meal we all have together. During the talk our fears came up. They ranged from the ridiculous, to the not so ridiculous. They are as follows...

Littlest fears: Witches, skeletons, and ghosts (Halloween anyone?)

Oldest daughter fears: Roller coasters, escalators, and grasshoppers (WTF?!?!)

Wife's fears: to be cut or cutting herself

Dog fears: Storm drains, thunderstorms, running out of food

Cat fears: Running out of food, running out of sleep

My fears: Running out of beer...

So who is a most fearful? Looking in the fridge, I'd say me. I mean not to sound crazy, but in the list of things there above, with the exception of running out of food, and maybe grasshoppers, mine is the most likely to come true. I tried to think of something more scary, and all I could come with besides running out of beer, was my lawn mower (that is literally held together with a bungee cord) coming apart and the blade somehow coming loose and hitting somebody, but that is a little long don't you think? So now I have to stop by and pick up some brew... or my biggest fear will come true!

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