Sunday, February 1, 2009

Strokes, Dentists, and Being Cold

And so another dentist trip is done. I went to get my semi-annual cleaning, and I realized that this was just about a year ago, that I was coming back to work. Man I was a mess back then. But time has a way of hiding those things. The dentist says everything is fine, not that anyone cares, but he did say it.

My doctor visit the other day also had equally good results, though I was really looking for something wrong with me. I've been cold the past few months, like really cold. My doctor says my A1c is good (diabetes thing, it was 6.8, they want it to be lower than 7), bad cholesterol was 101 good cholesterol was 56... not too shabby, kidney and liver function look good, blood pressure is good. By all respects, I am a shining example of health..... for a 33-year-old male that has diabetes and a stroke.

But damn I'm cold, and I don't know why. Other than cold weather, which we have had our share this year. But I'm not willing to just blame the weather, but what else is there?

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