Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Intentions

I felt pretty good after hearing the President's speech last night, but he is a good orator. Which will not allow the comedians to make any fun of him. Oh well. But then I got this sense of, why should I care or worry about anything, this guy obviously has it covered. But my wife brought me back down to earth. None of the things he was talking about will really effect us. Here's a Fact Check

And Gov. Bobby Jindal of my home state, Louisiana, offered his rebuttal. So what can we take from all this? That both parties will lie, and make chicken pie out of chicken shit. Wow I guess that's the best we can hope for. I do think that everybody is right and wrong at the same time, and that's the problem.

Everybody is right/wrong so much that we get a slanted look at what's really going on. People got to get "theirs" and so, we stand either on the right or left of issues, instead of saying yes to the common sense things, and no to the back scratching, promises, and favors. It just can't be; can it? But everybody has the best of intentions... To bad intentions don't equal the actual deeds done.

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