Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is the internet becoming more personal?

You expose yourself to the ads and you log in to whatever websites you like, but is it coming closer to what you thought? My case in point, Facebook. I like Facebook, a lot more than the nausea inducing MySpace. It's clean as far as I can tell, and you can get a hold of almost anybody. So my friend in Seattle can write something funny about high school and I know exactly what he is saying, but others might be lost.

It also makes things seem like you may know someone, but that person doesn't even know you exist. I have been the victim of this... one of the reasons (there are other reasons) I stay away from the BT Blog. I find myself wishing I was friends with this person or that person and blah, blah, blah. So you do have to pinch yourself, or just realize that it might feel like you know me because I just got over a cold or posted a picture about my garden, but in reality I probably haven't a clue who you are. I do have friends that read this too, and if I talk to in a email or in person, then I'm not really talking about or to you.

I have revealed more about me than I originally intended, but the only person I have to blame is myself. No fanfare or publicity stunt... it's just me. Nobody is making any money off of me and I'm certainly not becoming fodder for the masses. But if sponsors want to work something out... I'm open to it, provided the money is right.

This message was brought to you by SunSweet Prune Juice. Ok, not really.

1 comment:

Aunt Bea said...

Ditto, hun.
A lot of people insisted that they knew me, and either hated or loved me - and then they actually MET me.

And still they didn't really KNOW me... people with whom I was aquainted for years had no idea what my real inclinations, feelings, hopes and dreams were.

Everyone portrays themselves differently on the Internet, out in public, in private, and in their own souls. No one really truly knows another person - and the Internet exacerbates that, because you can be whomever you choose.