Monday, November 2, 2009

3rd Shift

It is no surprise that the major "thing" round my house is the new baby. It is hard, to do things the right way. Like for instance, get any sleep. That is not to say, the baby doesn't get enough sleep, I think she is doing fine... It's the parents I'm talking about.

I get off pretty easy at this point. I don't have boobies, at least not boobs that make milk, so I'm safe for now. But I do try to watch her (the baby) while her mother (my wife) gets some sleep. I can't really figure out who sleeps, or how much, because of everything else. Like the toot factory my baby has become. And if she is not tooting she is pooping. You hear a difference of tone and substance... thus you know you have a "winner".

Anyway, I first thought that this was a carbon copy of my second daughter, I was thankfully wrong. Especially when it comes to noise, she takes all noise, even crashing dishes or... a sneeze, in stride. The second one would have a meltdown if anything (noise wise) upset her in the least. But when you talk about my 3rd if you ever want to visit with her, she works the 3rd shift. Which is fitting, since she's the third kid.

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