Saturday, June 27, 2009

You Know it's Summer When...

If you turn on the TV at all during the summer, it seems all you can find is some kind of "reality" show. I am so over this. I mean, Jesus H. Christ, stop it already. Each one tries to do something different, something more over the top, so that you will stop, and watch. I just turn the TV off. And you wonder why I post on Classic Movies? Are we still in a writers strike?

If not, please tell me why we can't have something with a story. I'm just sayin' I think this whole reality thing has run it's course. I know it is cheaper to get some schmoes together and make them fight or whatever... but dang I want something better than that. I mean, sure I watch Maury for maybe 10-15 minutes a week, just to see somebody go crazy over the paternity test. But I can only take so much.

So what do I do? Read? Play a game? Blog more? I don't know, I mean there is something kind of crazy about vegging out with the TV remote in your hand. The problem is I can't stop flipping channels, because there really isn't anything to watch. Unless it's "news" "reality" or a movie you already saw 30 times, plus it takes twice as long to watch because of all the commercials... yeah maybe I do need to do something else with that time.

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