Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Inside-Out Man

Ok, See when it comes to having things right-side in... instead of inside-out... I a bit of a klutz. I just don't think that much of it. My wife on the other hand, is very particular. Not to say that she she is overly so, it is just that she makes sure that everything is right, and I don't.

This became apparent from the beginning. It was the second or third date and I had a little trouble, put on my shirt inside-out and she told me about it... only after our date. She thought I may have put it on like that because we were taking the dogs out to the dog park, but I wasn't, I was just a schmuck that wasn't paying attention.

Which brings us to today. I wear my underwear, or drawz as I call them, inside-out or right-side in because it just doesn't matter, I mean it feels the same, looks pretty much the same (minus the tag), for all intents... it is the same.

It just doesn't matter, seriously it doesn't...

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