Friday, October 2, 2009

Classic Film Friday: Holiday

Mrs. MH here….still some considerable time on my hands, so I am reviewing this week’s flick.

The story begins with Johnny Case (Carey Grant) returning from holiday brimming with excitement for his new found love. As his NYC cab pulls up at the address she’s given him, he is sure there is some mistake. He soon finds out, there is no mistake, his fiancé is big-time rich. Like a fish out of water, he makes his way up to the second floor in the elevator to find Julia Seton (Doris Nolan) and soon thereafter her boisterous sister Linda (Katherine Hepburn) and almost always inebriated brother, Ned (Henry Kolker). The three devise a plan to get their father to agree to a hardworking but from rather modest background, Johnny engaging Julia.

As the story progresses, I watched with delight the antics of the three siblings and mostly those of the “Hep” in amazement the whole time that I was watching this 1938 classic film in which Carey Grant in NOT involved with Katherine Hepburn. Still, the goings-on among the staunch Julia, drunken Ned and less than ordinary Linda were always amusing

Of course, you’ll have to watch all the way till the very end to see the twist of events unfold!

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