Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The State of Things

Well, after a few weeks of being back to school (not me personally), I can say things have gelled together... kind of. My 13-year-old still has some drama issues, mostly over the uniforms, to which I tell her, it really is not my fault, or my wife's fault, so get over it already. I went to the Open House, and much like I suspected, it really wasn't worth going. I mean, the teachers all got up, gave their spiel, and it was over, usually late, because all they had was 15 minutes. The science teacher impressed me the most. She broke everything they will be learning into bite sized bits, easy for someone (like me) that hasn't been in school forever ago, to understand.

My wife got some much needed recognition... From all the way up the district. I always knew that she deserved it, it was just that she was in a toxic work environment at her last school. There was way too much back scratching and favors at that place. Now that she is in a new place, maybe she can realize her full potential. It also makes my life a little better, since she has a much nicer day at work, she comes home in a sweeter mood. So it is a win-win.

Me and the diabetes thing, well it is always an issue. If I get up and out, do something... and I watch what I eat/or give myself just the right amount of insulin, then I'm good, if not then I'm not so good. It is a balancing act that I will have until I die, which is no different from anybody else, it is just that most people have a working pancreas, that does that for them.

And other than that, I don't think I could ask for anything else. We are happy, the kids are doing good, and some of us are getting the rightful recognition they deserve. What more could a guy want?

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