Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just a Man

You would think that things would get easier with time, but not so, at least not in the baby making department. My wife has been put on bed rest, and admitted to the hospital with preeclampsia. I thought that this was a problem with 1st born kids, not so much with the 2nd kid, but if there is an exception to the rule, I usually fit it.

And so it is with this pregnancy. It sucks, really, really, sucks (hard) but what are you going to do? The only cure for what ales her is to force the baby out. Which is 9 weeks too early. Or so they tell me. And if they force her to have the baby this soon, it means more than a few trips to Charleston.

I am reminded of my first kid, she was a natural birth baby, you know the pain a woman goes though, the crazy driving of the man trying to get his wife to the hospital, all that stuff seems taken away by a c-section. But again, I'm just a man, I have no idea what my wife is going through. I just want everyone to be ok, to be safe and healthy. That is it.

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