Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Got Some Money

The other day my little one came up to me, with a one dollar bill in her hand, and said, "I have 500 dollars Daddy."

I said "oh really?"

She said yes, and went on her happy little way.

Now I know it is a gross over-simplification, but man I envied her for a brief moment in time. She really didn't know how much the money was, or whether or not she had enough or virtually anything. She told her mother that she had 2,000 dollars the other day.... while holding the same 1 dollar bill.

Is there something to be learned from this exchange? Maybe, maybe not. My daughter has no clue how money works, or the reason we work is to get money to buy things with. Plus there is not an endless supply of money out there... or is there? In time she will learn, but until that time comes why not just play along?

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