Thursday, May 15, 2008

Worry... Over Nothing

Lately I have this problem, and it’s related to the stroke, you see some event happens and then I wind up all worried about it but really all I have to do is wait it out. This mainly involving work related issues. I’m not particularly proud of it, but my life as a whole is in change, and this provides at least some small amount of relevance (talking about it). I know that if I let the problems of the day simply wash over me, instead of trying to fix it right there, right then… it will all work out.

That’s not to say if I come up on something that needs my attention I won’t attempt to address it… but it’s not imperative, it’s not life or death, it is simply a job and though I’d hate to lose it, I can get another. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Getting wrapped up in your work can be a good thing if you like what you’re doing… but maybe not so much if you don’t. I’m neutral at this point, I don’t hate my job and my wife is trying to further her career, so I’d like it if it just stayed the same for a while longer. But change they say is always coming. What the future holds for any of us is a mystery.

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