Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Endourse the Smokehouse

I don't really do this, mainly because the chance to review a place comes along just a few times. Basically The Smokehouse had a contest, and my wife entered it. The prize? Brunch for two... and she actually won. We were kind of dumbfounded at first, because we never win anything. Ok so throw that out the window, we won something now... we are over it.

So we take the two littlest kids with us, because we don't even try to find a sitter for a Sunday... too short of notice, besides, who would we pick anyway? The teenager has already got on our last nerve (She was supposed to get her report card on Thursday, we didn't see it until Saturday, teacher conferences were on Thursday-Friday... oh well partly my fault I guess). So we left the teenager at home and took Augustus and Songbird with us anyway.

Now this place is all the way on the island, so with that comes the expectation that it is for the tourists and it will be expensive. Well since it was almost the end of October (tourist season is pretty much over) and the meal was gratis those two things didn't matter at this time. But I will say that the Smokehouse made me willing to try it some other time.

I ordered the huevos rancheros, or ranch style eggs that was delectable and my wife had eggs anyway you like them and also claimed they were tasty. It also included were hash brown potatoes, a fruit bowl, and mimosas. I have to say there was almost nobody there (probably because tourist season was over) but that suited me just fine, and as far as bringing the kids, the place was very accommodating, it only cost us $5 a piece to feed them. Chicken fingers and mac & cheese, what more could a 1-4 year old want?

Yeah, we got a free meal, and hey I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, but more importantly The Smokehouse may have got me to drive out to Hilton Head or recommend them instead of some other place. A smart decision, I think, plus the food was awesome. Now we will have to see if they can cook more than eggs.     

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