Friday, November 9, 2007

Classic Film Friday: A Place in the Sun

George Eastman (Montgomery Clift) is a down and out young man looking for a leg up in life and hitchhikes his way out to work for his well to do uncle, Charles Eastman (Herbert Heyes) at his bathing suit factory. The only catch is it’s is strictly verboten to date employees. Enter Alice Tripp (Shelley Winters). The two work on the assembly line together and one thing leads to another and the inevitable happens.

Meanwhile rich Uncle Charles wants to reward George’s hard work and gives him a promotion. George starts to get a taste of the high society and the beautiful and out of reach Angela Vickers (Elizabeth Taylor), suddenly becomes attainable. Except for one minor snag… George’s extra curricular work policy violation with Alice has led to a rather sticky situation. Watch as a man starts with nothing, works himself up to more than he ever dreamed, and losses EVERYTHING. A true tragedy that every hormonal, sex crazy teenager should be made to watch.

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