Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Random Thoughts

I’ve been busy. Well not so busy that I haven’t been able to get online, but busy enough that I haven’t been able to formulate my thoughts concisely enough to warrant a full-fledged post.

County School
Board Meeting:

I only caught the back half but a few things came up worth mentioning.

Smart boards are good. I’m a big fan of the technology, but I wonder how/why it costs just over $1,000 per room for installation. I’m not talking about purchase price, because the units have already been procured. I’m referring to mounting the projector and wiring the unit to a computer/ providing electrical power. Over a grand per room, to the tune of 86,000 (and change) for 72 units seems a bit much. Not millions and millions like other projects, but still…

Fred Washington, the board chair seems hell-bent on getting out early. I’ve no doubt that those folks work hard and would like to get home to the family, but incessantly telling everyone to be brief only seems to cheapen the efforts of anyone who actually bothered to show up and make a comment/present a report. If it’s important enough to be brought up at the school board meeting, the only openly public meeting related to our schools most citizens have the opportunity to get exposed to, is it asking to much to demand more than the Cliff notes?

Moving on... It’s hot.

Miserable hot. The wife keeps mentioning something about Satan and buttocks creases. Anyway, many an air conditioning system is having trouble keeping up with the demand of the heat outside. I almost became a heat casualty over the weekend while working in the yard. The key is not over doing it, and as much as it pains me to say it and I’m not that old, but I’m not as young as I used to be. The bones and joints and tolerance to temperature extremes just aint what it used to be.

While organizing my Ipod play list…

I rediscovered the Black Eyed Peas. The band’s panache certainly isn’t for everyone, but their commercial success and the retooling of their songs by corporate America means they must have gotten something right. There’s just enough ghetto vernacular to make the Black Eyed Peas adult only fun, but they ride the line just enough so as to not seem juvenile. Regardless the licks are catchy, in fact they’re damn near infectious. I call it a guilty pleasure that only our free society can provide. Everybody get stoopit’ just not in the school board meeting (unless only briefly) or in the direct heat of the day. Just sayin…

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