Monday, August 20, 2007

Hold onto you Wallets Beaufort County

The school district is set to ask for $200 million more. Never mind that when they asked for $120 million in 2000, nothing got built. Never mind that the $43 million “emergency” construction referendum of 2006 has not even broken ground yet, we need to fork over another couple hundred million.

Forget that most of the schools in the northern part of the county are under capacity. The school district is the addict and the good intentioned (for the kids) folks of Beaufort County are the enablers. I’m confident that voter turnout in a special election (that will cost the taxpayer even more) will deliver the extra cash. I’m unsure that we’ll see any of these new schools built anytime soon. In fact all projects are now over budget.

Oh did I mention the one school board member, the only one that seemed to have any integrity or common sense... resigned? Why? Because the rest of the incompetent board members called off an internal audit. An audit shown to implicate high ranking school district people were either very friendly or directly related with contractors holding multimillion dollar contracts.

Voter apathy is very expensive around here. Tell the addicts you're not going to support their addiction anymore. Vote no.

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