Saturday, October 20, 2007

TGI3rd Friday

Though the weather forecast predicted 90% chance of rain yesterday (of which I only received a droplet, as in one) I decided to take my chances and make my way down to Calhoun for 3rd Friday festivities. I really want to support local businesses and I can’t really think of a better Friday evening than strolling around and taking in some live music and cold adult beverage refreshment but, I can’t see how the current format is sustainable.

Why do I say this?

Because I simply cannot afford to buy anything out of the shops the event is being held for. I like walking around perusing, but clearly I’m not in the segment these places are marketing to (me being middle class family with kids). I hope TGI3rdF or some other kind of regular free music venue remains as I think it does nothing but enhance the cultural aspect of Bluffton, but the organizers might want to consider a new location or bringing in a more diverse group of vendors (and price points) if they want to attract more than just the filthy rich, retired sector.

Still the family and I had a great time moseying around, taking in the music, but other than a few glasses of wine, they’re not making any of me. Sorry `bout that. Hope ya’ll don’t mind...

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