Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Well, through the process of trial and error (mostly error) I’ve spruced the place up a bit. You’ll notice the title header and picture has changed. I’ve also changed the layout and added some things on the side bar. One of which I’m most interested in is the Cbox. This lets anyone drop a comment, be it to stroke my ego a bit or tell me what an idiot I am… without actually logging in to a given service and is totally anonymous. Well, as anonymous as your IP address anyway. Hopefully those that visit will utilize this newfangled bit of technology. Don’t be shy. I put it there for a reason.

And feed my fish while you’re at it.

Anyway please excuse the mess, I’m probably hovering around a 2nd Grade... make that pre-kindergarten HTML reading level and it will take a while before I get it all the way it should be. More to come...

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