Monday, November 23, 2009

Broken Light

The light at Simmonsville Road is broken. Well, not all the way broken, but at least intermittently broken. If you are on Simmonsville and you want to get on Hwy 278, you may already know this. You have to wait (so far) for 2 cycles to go. Basically, I think the sensor that is on the road by Walgreen's is messed up. If you get someone in that lane, who is not very aggressive, or putting make-up on, or talking on their cell phone, or just not paying attention, the light will turn green for the Kroger/Wendy's crowd across the street, which typically has 1-5 cars, and the other side, the Simmonsville Road side, could have 10-15 cars, and gets nothing at all.

This is fine... when you are not late for work, but otherwise sucks. Because in all honesty, traffic on Hwy. 278 is given like 6 minutes per cycle whereas The Simmonsville Road people are given maybe 1 minute. And that is as it should be, if the light is working properly. Maybe I just need to find a different way to go... or does anyone know who I contact about the problem?

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