Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Rest of my Weekend

Yes I know it's Tuesday, but there were things that happened besides the airport fiasco of 2008. And they are:

So I really don't know about this past weekend. My wife is bound and determined to get us to Disney World this year. This is probably going to just be a weekend thing, one we can't afford more and two I don't have vacation anyway. We'll see, and yes while $4.00 gas would not affect my trip, all the idiots on the road will. But yeah, I did just say I won't be on the road... I got suckered into it.

We saw Wall-E at the movies... it was ok, if you like (or your kids like) robots or outer space, otherwise skip it. Our 2-year-old could not relate, no singing or dancing... not to mention no animals. We were struggling to the end of this one. I don't think the movie's bad per se, but it takes a bit of higher knowledge to understand the whole left earth and now we're coming back, and the robots too because they don't really talk. It just wasn't a pleasant movie.

Speaking of my daughter, she can recite the pledge of allegiance, amazing more so at the age we expect them to repeat things like that, not that I care, but it is bizarre. She can also do her ABC's and count to 20. She's a teacher's daughter.

I watched the 1st Saturday Night Live with George Carlin, it was ok. I mean he was pretty much tripping balls when he did it, but still.

And finally, we went to the Grand Opening of the Food Lion, so far so good, a lot of stuff cheaper than anybody else, we'll see. The place is pretty much for the Sun City crowd, but if I can take advantage of it... so be it.

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